Sista Girl: PopSlayVibe Program

Sista Girl: PopSlayVibe Program

from $1,500.00

Pop, slay, vibe is what Black girls and their friends do to celebrate their journey. In Sasstopia, we love to center the experiences of diverse women and girls. What better way to do this, than to pop, slay and vibe?  Living their best lives in Sasstopia, Adyllide, Baina, and Angelique share what being sassy, chic, geek means to them along with inspiring words that let Black girls know you have the right to be in a world that oftentimes tries to silence or ignore your voice. They are not having any of that.

The Sista Girl PopSlayVibe workshop series celebrates the many ways that Black girls show up in the world to do amazing things. The series is broken into the following sessions:

  1. Orientation/Sista Girl Poppin’ Vibes: During this first session, students will get an overview of the program and take a journey to Sasstopia to meet the Sista Girls. They will learn about their passion for helping Black girls discover their voices, express themselves, and learn how to identify their interest, skills and talents.

  2. How to PopSlayVibe: During this session, students will learn what it means to pop, slay and vibe. They will also spend time discussing the ways that the Sista Girls use pop, slay, vibe to celebrate themselves. Lastly, students will spend time coming up with different ways that they want to pop, slay and vibe within their own lives.

  3. Define Your Beliefs: During this session, students will learn the importance of identifying their values and beliefs as the foundation to building a full and meaningful life. Students will start to make connections between their values and the decisions that they make.

  4. Love Your Body: During this session, students will learn the importance of exploring and celebrating what they love about their bodies. They will spend time reflecting on at least five parts of their body that they love and discuss the role family, friends and society play in promoting body positivity.

  5. Poppin’ Brown Skin: During this session, students will learn the importance of celebrating the many shades of their brown complexion. They will spend time reflecting on at least five ways that they celebrate their poppin’ melanin and discuss the role family, friends and society play in celebrating the many shades of Black girls.

  6. In Hair, We Care: During this session, students will learn the importance of embracing their hair. They will spend time reflecting on at least five of their favorite hairstyles and discuss the role family, friends and society play in promoting healthy hair care.

  7. Slay Your Geek: During this session, students will explore the many ways that they use their knowledge as power. They will discuss the role family, friends and society play in promoting education as well as lifelong learning.

  8. Lead – Poppin’ Affirmations: During this final session, students will learn the power of affirmations as a tool to take on their journey to achieving their goals. They will conclude with students sharing the affirmations that they created and reflect on their overall experiences in the program.

Additional Details:

  • Eligibility: middle and high school girls

  • 25 Sista Girl: PopSlayVibe workbooks included. Additional workbooks available for additional cost.

  • Participants receive Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of program.

  • In-person workshops, programs and trainings held within 150 mile radius of Baltimore, MD only.

  • Virtual sessions held via Zoom.

  • This program can be customized upon request.

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