Journey to Sasstopia: Visioning & Goal-setting Journal

Journey to Sasstopia: Visioning & Goal-setting Journal


The Journey to Sasstopia: Visioning & Goal-setting Journal is for women who want to be intentional about showing up as their full, authentic selves. It's easy for people to place us in boxes and require us to show up as one version of ourselves. We are multi-dimensional people that have multi-dimensional interests. And we want to celebrate it.

The Journey to Sasstopia: Visioning & Goal-setting Journal take you through guided activities about the many ways that you use your voice; express yourself; and harness your interest, skills and talents to achieve your goals. By the end of this workbook, you'll feel excited about achieving your goals on your journey to live your best life.

The workbook is broken into 5 sections:

  1. Showing Up for Yourself

  2. Show Kindness to Self

  3. Elevate to Find Meaning & Balance

  4. Lead for Impact

  5. Visioning & Goal-setting


  • 49 pages

  • Fillable PDFs to use digitally

  • Workbook pages are formatted to print standard letter size 8.5” x 11”

  • Workbook is immediately available upon completing checkout.

  • Workbook license for single use only. Click here to read license agreement prior to downloading.

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