Meet the MotleyCrew Trivia

Meet the MotleyCrew Trivia


The Motley Crew is a group of twenty-something-year-old gal pals on a mission to live their best lives. They met in a leadership program in middle school and have been friends ever since. Although many of them went away to college and to pursue their dreams, they found their way back to Sasstopia because they know that it is a special place where they can thrive.

In the Meet the Motley Crew Trivia Workbook, get to know the Motley Crew and how they dare to live their best lives by showing up as their authentic selves and also advocating for social change. Trivia games are a great way to strengthen your memory and overall brain health. Answers are at the end, but don’t jump ahead!! These are perfect icebreaker activities or to include in your existing programs to add a little flavor! They can be done individually or as a group.


  • 21 pages

  • Workbook pages are formatted to print standard letter size 8.5” x 11”

  • Workbook is immediately available upon completing checkout.

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